The Lost Trotting Parks Storyboard Archives

The Lost Trotting Parks Storyboard Archives

Friday, April 29, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Readfield's Private Trotting Park -- Across the Church Road from the Readfield Fairgrounds

Last fall I contacted the Readfield Historical Society regarding Readfield's lost trotting park. The trotting park was part of the fairgrounds that was home to the Kennebec Agricultural Society. This week I received an e-mail from Rich O'Connor who had been attempting to locate the trotting track. We shared several e-mails. Yesterday I contacted Florence Drake, President of the historical society. Florence referred me to Holly and Chris Dumaine and to Evelyn Potter. After two enjoyable telephone conversations, I discovered that at one time both a private trotting track and the public trotting park existed off Church Road. Chris referred me to Dan Harriman who confirmed that the track was located
towards the back of the fairgrounds. The first storyboard is probably an accurate representation of the location of the trotting park that was built when the Readfield Fairgrounds was home to the Kennebec Agricultural Society. This storyboard was developed after speaking with Holly and Chris Dumaine, Evelyn Potter, Dan Harriman, and Holly Dominie. The second storyboard provides two images: (1)  a 1943 topographical map that shows the private track owned by Charles Brisbane and (2) a Google Earth aerial that shows the halo of the private track.
When the Readfield Historical Society opens in May, I will work with society members to develop more detailed storyboards.

The location suggested in this original post were not accurate. Readfield's Lost Trotting Park is located near the top of the Old Fairgrounds Road.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Note from Senator Roger Katz

On March 27, 2011 I e-mailed Maine legislators encouraging them to support the Maine harness racing tradition and related businesses. Today I received a note from Senator Katz:


"Thanks for your note! 
I agree -- it's important to keep
 this fine Maine tradition. 
Keep up the good work!"

Roger Katz

As I visitor to the Maine Online Museum, The Lost Trotting Parks Heritage Center, I encourage you to do all you can to ensure that the Maine tradition of harness racing will exist into the future -- a tradition to be shared and enjoyed by young and old alike.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Google Analytics -- The Year Past in Viewership

The following storyboard illustrates the  viewership of
the Online Lost Trotting Parks Heritage Center.
I appreciate your interest in the age of "When the Horse was King."
If you have any suggestions e-mail me at

Monday, April 4, 2011

Parade of Stallions -- 1977 Scarborough Downs

Roger Smith e-mailed pictures to me that depicted the Parade of Stallions at Scarborough Downs in 1977. Roger would like assistance in the identification of the horses and horsemen in these photographs. To see the Parade of Stallion Storyboards, go to Profiles of Maine's Harness Horsemen.

Saturday, April 2, 2011