The Lost Trotting Parks Storyboard Archives

The Lost Trotting Parks Storyboard Archives

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Western Maine Short Circuit -- Bridgton -- Cornish -- Gorham

Maine State Fair 1884 -- Lewiston, Maine -- Official Trotting Entries

The Horsemen: 

E.L. Norcross, Manchester -- Ira P. Woodbury, Portland -- Walter G. Morrill, Dexter -- W.D. Ransdell, Woodfords -- H.E. Haley, Monroe -- J. F. Haine, Portland -- Charles H. Farley, Portland -- C.H. Nelson, Waterville -- S.B. Titcomb, Corinna -- George W. Holmes -- Norway -- J.B. Woodbury, Brunswick -- E. Richards, Biddeford -- A. Chadwick, Vassalboro -- Charles Edmunds, Bangor -- W.E. Russell, Buckfield -- A.J. Allen, East Hebron -- J.E. Miller, Lewiston -- A.C. Scribner, Lewiston -- Benjamin F. Maxim, Wayne -- Gower & Jewell, Canaan -- W.A. Grant, York -- G.E. Burgess, East Livermore -- H.K. Sawyer, South Norridgwock -- W.H. Mills, South Norridgwock