The Lost Trotting Parks Storyboard Archives

The Lost Trotting Parks Storyboard Archives

Monday, October 29, 2012

1884 -- Premium List -- Maine State Agricultural Society -- Lewiston, Park, Lewiston, Maine

Postcard Image circa 1910

Postcard Image circa 1910

Premium List Cover for 1884 Maine State Fair

Back Cover

Officers of the Maine State Agricultural Society
President: Hon. Rufus Prince -- South Turner
Secretary: A.L. Dennison -- Portland
Treasurer: H.S. Osgood -- Augusta
Alonzo Libby -- Saccarappa
S.G. Jerrard -- Levant
George A. Emerson -- Litchfield Plains
N.S. Allan -- Dennysville
General Superintendent:
Rufus Prince
Department Superintendents:
Tickers: S. G. Jerrard
Horses: B. M. Hight
Stock: Alonzo Libby
Purchasing Department: George A. Emerson
Hall: Charles B. Reade, Lewiston

Officers of the Androscoggin County Agricultural and Horticultural Society for the Year 1884
President: B.F. Briggs -- Auburn
Vice Presidents:
Dana Goff -- Auburn
Daniel Field -- Auburn
Secretary: W. R. Wright -- Lewiston
Treasurer: David Farrar -- Lewiston
Agent: James Clark -- Lewiston
W.D. Pennell -- Lewiston
James L. Jordan -- Sabatis
S.W. Shaw -- Minot
D.P. Field -- Auburn
L.H. Blossom -- Turner
Eli Hodgkins -- Greene
A.G. Thurlow -- West Gloucester

Officers of the Maine State Pomological Society
President: Charles S. Pope -- Manchester
Vice Presidents:
Samuel C. Harlow -- Bangor
S.R. Sweetser -- Cumberland
Secretary and Treasurer:
George B. Sawyer -- Wiscasset
Corresponding Secretary:
Charles J. Gilman -- Brunswick
Executive Committe:
The President and Secretary, ex officio;
Andrew S. Sawyer -- Cape Elizabeth
Leander H. Blossom -- Turner
Frank E. Nowell -- Fairfield

Order of Exhibition

Advertisement for The Lewiston Journal

Special Trotting Premiums

Advertisement of City Hotel, Portland, Maine

Cream Brook Farm, Stetson, Maine
Proprietor -- G. W. Shaw

Broadmoor Farm, Cumberland Centre, Maine
Jersey Cattle: Romeo De Sonair, 4091
Proprietor: George Blanchard & Company

Saddleback Farm
East Baldwin, Maine
Proprietor: Orestes Pierce

The Obituary of the Proprietor of Saddleback Farm
Orestes Pierce

Advertisement for The Home Farm
Published by S.A. Boardman & Company, Augusta, Maine

Advertisement for the Maine Farmer
Published by Badger & Manley
with Departments of
Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts
Horse Department
Woman's Department
Poultry Department
News Department

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