The Lost Trotting Parks Storyboard Archives

The Lost Trotting Parks Storyboard Archives

Monday, November 26, 2012

Wesserunsett Valley Fair -- 1940 -- Athens, Maine

Bragging Rights

Can anyone identify this postcard and its location?

Strolling Along the Midway at the Readfield Fair, Readfield, Maine

Circa 1908

Harness Racing at the Acton Fair October 3, 1906

1878 -- A Grand Match Race at the Knox Trotting Park

Two inches by three inches, this promotional card to the match race at the Knox Trotting Park may be one of the few pieces of memorabilia left of harness racing in Thomaston and Rockland. Called the Knox Trotting Park, the principal owners of the park were from Rockland. However, the park was actually located in Thomaston. The park was also the site of a small airport and today the land is taken up by a movie theater.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The 1929 Premium Book of the Farmington Fair

The Franklin County Agricultural Society

Images of Saddleback Farm -- East Baldwin, Maine -- Proprietor: Orestes Pierce -- 1884

-- Saddleback Farm -- 
The Horse may have been King, but
the Jersey Cow was Queen of Butter Production!

Curiosity led me to finding out more about Saddleback Farm in East Baldwin, Maine. Today perhaps a foundation or a well cover may be the only evidence that this farm ever existed. I initially called the East Baldwin Town Office. -- No Answer -- I then thought perhaps locate a local realtor with knowledge of East Baldwin. That worked! The realtor led me to Josiah Pierce who led me to Peter Cyr, one of the local historian. Joe Pierce told me an interesting story. When the last Pierce to own the farm died her will stated that all was to be torn down. The car was to be driven into the well and buried. However, lucky for the car, the chauffeur drove off with it.

Henry Pierce may have been the original owner of the farm, but he ventured out to California. Eventually, Orestes moved West. Orestes obituary presents tells the story of an accomplished man who made worthy contributions to the world.

More to this story will unfold in future Lost Trotting Parks Posts!

Monday, October 29, 2012

1884 -- Premium List -- Maine State Agricultural Society -- Lewiston, Park, Lewiston, Maine

Postcard Image circa 1910

Postcard Image circa 1910

Premium List Cover for 1884 Maine State Fair

Back Cover

Officers of the Maine State Agricultural Society
President: Hon. Rufus Prince -- South Turner
Secretary: A.L. Dennison -- Portland
Treasurer: H.S. Osgood -- Augusta
Alonzo Libby -- Saccarappa
S.G. Jerrard -- Levant
George A. Emerson -- Litchfield Plains
N.S. Allan -- Dennysville
General Superintendent:
Rufus Prince
Department Superintendents:
Tickers: S. G. Jerrard
Horses: B. M. Hight
Stock: Alonzo Libby
Purchasing Department: George A. Emerson
Hall: Charles B. Reade, Lewiston

Officers of the Androscoggin County Agricultural and Horticultural Society for the Year 1884
President: B.F. Briggs -- Auburn
Vice Presidents:
Dana Goff -- Auburn
Daniel Field -- Auburn
Secretary: W. R. Wright -- Lewiston
Treasurer: David Farrar -- Lewiston
Agent: James Clark -- Lewiston
W.D. Pennell -- Lewiston
James L. Jordan -- Sabatis
S.W. Shaw -- Minot
D.P. Field -- Auburn
L.H. Blossom -- Turner
Eli Hodgkins -- Greene
A.G. Thurlow -- West Gloucester

Officers of the Maine State Pomological Society
President: Charles S. Pope -- Manchester
Vice Presidents:
Samuel C. Harlow -- Bangor
S.R. Sweetser -- Cumberland
Secretary and Treasurer:
George B. Sawyer -- Wiscasset
Corresponding Secretary:
Charles J. Gilman -- Brunswick
Executive Committe:
The President and Secretary, ex officio;
Andrew S. Sawyer -- Cape Elizabeth
Leander H. Blossom -- Turner
Frank E. Nowell -- Fairfield

Order of Exhibition

Advertisement for The Lewiston Journal

Special Trotting Premiums

Advertisement of City Hotel, Portland, Maine

Cream Brook Farm, Stetson, Maine
Proprietor -- G. W. Shaw

Broadmoor Farm, Cumberland Centre, Maine
Jersey Cattle: Romeo De Sonair, 4091
Proprietor: George Blanchard & Company

Saddleback Farm
East Baldwin, Maine
Proprietor: Orestes Pierce

The Obituary of the Proprietor of Saddleback Farm
Orestes Pierce

Advertisement for The Home Farm
Published by S.A. Boardman & Company, Augusta, Maine

Advertisement for the Maine Farmer
Published by Badger & Manley
with Departments of
Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts
Horse Department
Woman's Department
Poultry Department
News Department

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lost Trotting Parks Announcing Its Latest Companion Blog -- The Lost Trotting Parks of New England

On October 21, 2012, The Lost Trotting Parks Heritage Center will display the storyboards of its latest initiative, The Lost Trotting Parks of New England. The display will be presents at the New England Harness Writers Association Banquet in Marlborough Massachusetts.