The Lost Trotting Parks Storyboard Archives

The Lost Trotting Parks Storyboard Archives

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Recent Comment

Recently, I received an e-mail from a harness racing enthusiast who commented on the presentation of storyboards and the difficulty reading the sidebar. I appreciated the readers comments. Feedback is important. First I will address the size of storyboards. The typical size of most storyboards is 12 by 18 inches. The blog presents the storyboard as an icon. You click the storyboard image and it enlarges. If the post has more than one storyboard that blogger creates a slideshow that the reader controls by clickling the thumbnails images at the bottom of the page. Often the 12 by 18 inch images may be difficult to read or you may want to see greater detail within the images. To enlarge storyboards, right click the original image and select either open in new window or open in a new tab. Doing this will allow you to control the size of the image by applying Ctrl + to increase image size and Ctrl - to decrease the image size. Close out the new window or tab and you will return to the Lost Trotting Parks Blog. Within the Blogger format, I believe this is the best way to present storyboards that contains multiple images, newspaper articles and text.

In terms of the sidebar with categories, archives, and other information items that are created by using what is called gadgets, I did have difficulty with the inability to really see the text. Upon reading the reader's comments, I changed the background text to gray and increased the font size and selected a bright white as the text color. These changes made the sidebar text easier to read.

Blog by Blogger are in a linear arrangement by time/date of posting. For the most recent posts read posts that are presented you enter the blog. However, the best way to view posts may be through Categories/Labels. The Categories sort the storyboards by topics. For example there is a category for each Maine County. Therefore if you are interested in Washington County, click the Washing County Categories and all posts related to Washington County will be presented. 

I will also be increasing the text size for each post.

You can also use the keyword search and archives to explore the Lost Trotting Parks Blog. I welcome all suggestions -- from content to format of the blog. I opened the blog so that comments can be made. If you would like to make comments through e-mail, please do so. 

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