The Lost Trotting Parks Storyboard Archives

The Lost Trotting Parks Storyboard Archives

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Maine Horse Breeders' Monthly -- Publisher and Editor, John W. Thompson

J. W. Thompson, Editor and Publisher of The Maine Horse Breeders' Monthly; terms, $1.00 Per Annum. Circulation Larger than any Paper in Maine, outside of the Cities; write for Advertising Rates and Sample Copies; Cauton. The wonderful improvement which has taken place in American horse-flesh within comparatively few years, is not the result of accident, by any means, but the legitimate outcome of bard, persistent and intelligent work, and the expenditure of large sums of money. American trotting stock is, as every ordinarily well-informed person knows, the best in the world, and the steady lowering of the mile record from year to year, proves that the limit of speed and bottom is not yet reached. That the results attained have been brought about by judicious breeding is also generally understood, and that those engaged in this work should be encouraged by the public, is as obvious as that the general average of horse-flesh is continually being raised by such operations. The horse breeders of this State are among the most advanced in the country, and that they form a numerous as well as an influential class, is proved by the circulation of the Maine Horse Breeders' Monthly—their representative paper —being larger than that of any other publication in the State, issued outside the cities. The paper in question was founded in 1879, by Mr. J. W. Thompson, a gentleman who is a recognized authority on all matters pertaining to horses and horse-breeding. He is a native of Turner, Maine, a member of the Free Masons, and is widely-known—aside from his journalistic capacity—as the author of that standard work, " Noted Maine Horses," which was published in 1874. In 1S86, in response to an earnest and pressing demand, a second volume was issued, and the reception given to it has been cordial and flattering, the edition being already nearly exhausted. Mr. Thompson was, for several years, President of the Canton Driving Association, and was unanimously re-elected at the last annual meeting, and to him credit is largely due for the fine Driving Park, conceded to be one of the fastest and best tracks in the State. The Maine Horse Breeders' Monthly is indispensable to all engaged in that industry, and is both interesting and valuable to every lover of the delights of the road and track. It is published at S1.00 per annum, and for obvious reasons is one of the best advertising mediums in New England, especially for goods designed for the use of horsemen. Mr. Thompson acts as Editor" and Publisher, and is ever on the alert to furnish the latest and most reliable information to his readers.

Excerpted from

The Leading business men of Lewiston,

Augusta and vicinity:

By Mercantile Publishing Company, Boston

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